Tuesday 31 May 2011

Cat diseases

Veterinary care (diseases)
A cat that is kept indoors faces fewer health risks than an outdoor cats may be struck by cars, poisoned by pesticides or attacked by sick or unfriendly animals. But even indoor cats are not entirely safe. They can fall from open windows and unenclosed Balcones. In addition, many clearing products and certain houseplants, such as ivy, are poisonous to cats. Owners should place such items out of the reach of cats.

Kittens should be taken to a veterinarian when they are about 8 to 10 weeks old for a physical examination. They should also receive vaccinations to protect them from common cat diseases. An adult cat should visit a veterinary care protects an owner health as well as the cat because some animals diseases can be transmitted to people. Such a disease is called a zoonosis.

Cat owners should learn to recognize signs of illness in their pet. A healthy cat has clean ears, clear eyes, a moist nose, pink tongue and gums, a clean and glossy coat. Whenever a cat shows any change in appearance or behavior for more than 24 hours, the owner should consult a veterinarian.

One of the most serious and widespread cat diseases is panleukopenia, also called feline infectious enteritis (FIE). This highly contagious infection is caused by a virus and is often fatal. Symptoms of panleukopenia in clued listlessness, loss of appetite, high fever and severe vomiting and diarrhea. If a cat has several of these symptoms, call a veterinarian at once. All cats should be vaccinated yearly against panleukopenia.

Two other diseases that strike cats are feline leukamea and cat flu. Feline leukaemia is a form of cancer that affects the cat blood-forming organs. It is always fatal. It is caused by a virus that can also cause nonfatal ailments. A vaccine against feline leukaemia was developed in 1985.

Respiratory infections ranging from mild colds to pneumonia and cat flu are common among cats. Signs of such infections include sneezing, a runny nose, watery eyes and fever. A veterinarian should be called immediately. It is possible to have vaccinations against respiratory infections, but it is not possible to guarantee protection against cat flu because there are so many different viruses which affect cats.

Many kind of parasites may cause health problems in cats. Certain types of worms, including roundworms and tapeworms, can infect cat intensities and other organs. Worms may cause listlessness, weight loss, vomiting and diarrhea. Some other parasites may live on a cat skin and cause several itching. Fleas and ear mites are the most common external parasites. Cats may also develop ringworm, a skin disease caused by a fungus. A veterinarian should be consulted about the treatment of these health problems.

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